Konstellation Overview

Effortless Data Management

Anticipate issues and streamline prioritization with Konstellation data observability tool.

How It Works

Fix What Matters

Konstellation is a fully automated approach to detecting data issues at scale, identifying their root cause and serving a prioritized list of incidents based on impact to the business.


See across data pipelines and be first to know about issues
With Konstellation, data teams can continuously observe, understand, and manage data quality, reliability, and performance across various data pipelines.
Proactive Data Observations
Konstellation proactively observes data sets for freshness, lineage, volume, schema, and metadata, among other key attributes.
Customized Observability
Choose from out-of-box quality checks or create custom monitors for your unique needs:
  • Data timeliness: Monitor when data arrives and whether it meets set service level agreements SLAs
  • Impact on lineage: Trace root causes and assess downstream effects.
  • Volume anomalies: Track unexpected increases or decreases in data volume.
  • Data quality expectations: Add Custom checks to verify data meets your expectations.
Konstellation not only identifies issues but also organizes them into clusters to reduce notification fatigue and speed up resolution times.
Advanced Data Insights
Gain insights into your data with:
  • ML-driven anomaly detection: Automatically detect irregularities in your data.
  • Quality and reliability scores: Receive standardized assessments for each data table.
Effortless Adaptability
Highly automated and user-friendly, Konstellation adapts seamlessly as your data pipelines evolve —no additional configuration needed.
Help Teams Focus
Ditch the never-ending backlog of tens or even hundreds of daily alerts across tools, email inboxes, and other communication channels. Konstellation streamlines workflow and enhances team efficiency by prioritizing data issues based on their importance and urgency. Our ML-driven algorithm generates a Criticality Score™ that helps your team quickly understand the impact of each issue.
Tailored to Your Company
Every organization is another galaxy with specific data models, distinct business questions, and unique operational conditions. That’s why Konstellation’s Criticality Score algorithm is designed to adapt and learn from your organization’s specific habits -- from data landing times and SLA adherence to query usage and beyond.
Adaptive Learning to Empower Teams
Benefit from a system that evolves with you. Konstellation’s algorithm learns from both organizational data and user feedback, progressively sharpening its guidance. Over time, this ensures your team knows exactly what to fix and where to start – so they can shift from reactive firefighting to proactive problem-solving.
Streamline Incident Management and Preempt Data Issues
Konstellation’s predictive models empower data teams to proactively manage and resolve data issues with enhanced efficiency and foresight.
Efficient Incident Resolution
Streamline your response to data issues with Konstellation's intelligent suggestions. Our system uses historical data and root-cause analysis to direct suggestions to the right communication channels, such as specific email addresses or Slack channels. This automation assigns incidents to the appropriate team, letting your staff focus on resolution rather than coordination.
Proactive Issue Prediction
Stay ahead of potential problems with Konstellation’s predictive capabilities. Our models forecast data issues before they arise, using a learning algorithm that adapts to your unique data conditions and user feedback. Like our Criticality Score, this proactive approach helps your data teams preemptively address challenges, ensuring smoother operations.
Seamless Integration with Your Current Systems
Konstellation meets your team wherever you work – no need to change your existing incident management systems, workflows, and habits. Alerts come to your notification channels, and incidents are tracked in your ticket management systems.
The Konstellation Difference

Built for Efficiency and Scale

Data Engineers can focus on fixing what matters because they’re the first to know about issues, and they understand each issue’s root cause and priority based on business impact.
Engineering time saved.

Trust is built throughout the organization.

Reduced alert fatigue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more? Our team is here to answer your questions.

How does Konstellation prioritize data incidents?

Konstellation prioritizes data incidents using Criticality Score, our ML-based metric designed to assess the urgency and impact of each data issue. This score is calculated based on several factors, including the potential business impact, the reliability and usage of the data impacted, and the number of stakeholders impacted.

Criticality Score helps Konstellation rank issues in order of importance, ensuring that your team focuses on the most pressing problems first. By addressing high-priority incidents that could cause significant disruption or have a high business impact, Konstellation enables data teams to "Fix What Matters" efficiently, reducing downtime and preventing costly errors. Konstellation not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of critical data issues going unnoticed or unresolved.

What Data Quality metrics does Konstellation track?

Konstellation monitors crucial data quality metrics, including Data Volume, Data Landing Times, and Null Values, to ensure your data remains reliable. Using advanced ML-based anomaly detection, Konstellation identifies unexpected data patterns and provides a summarized Table Reliability Score. This helps data teams quickly pinpoint and prioritize issues that could affect business operations, allowing them to focus on delivering consistent, high-quality insights. Additionally, Konstellation allows you to set up custom quality checks, ensuring your data meets specific business requirements without manual intervention.

What are the benefits of using Konstellation over other data observability platforms?

Konstellation is the only solution that prioritizes your data incidents based on business impact, ensuring data teams always know, with confidence, what to fix first. Separately, Konstellation offers a unique combination of ML-based anomaly detection, customizable monitoring, and a user-friendly interface, providing a comprehensive data observability and quality management solution.

Does Konstellation fix the data issues detected?

Konstellation automatically detects, prioritizes, and alerts you to data issues but doesn’t apply fixes directly to your data pipeline. Instead, it offers root-cause analysis and tailored recommendations, enabling your team to resolve issues quickly and restore data reliability. This approach ensures you maintain full control over your data while benefiting from streamlined incident resolution.

Does Konstellation store any raw data or personally identifiable information (PII)?

No, Konstellation does not store raw data or PII. Our platform works exclusively with metadata and summarized statistics, ensuring individual records remain within your environment. Konstellation operates with read-only access through APIs or service accounts, allowing you to set granular permissions for your chosen datasets. We do not create or store copies of your full data anywhere else.

Is there a free trial available for Konstellation?

Yes, we offer a free trial to see Konstellation in action with your own data and use cases. You can either schedule a meeting with us for a guided walkthrough tailored to your needs or sign up to self-explore our demo environment at Demo Page.

Try Konstellation for your team today