Ensuring Precision Data for a Leading AdTech Company with Konstellation

Ensuring Precision Data for a Leading AdTech Company with Konstellation

Customer Overview

As a leader in programmatic advertising, this AdTech company thrives on delivering precise, real-time data to its clients. With millions of daily transactions, impressions, and conversions, the business’s success depends on accurate data, which informs advertising decisions, optimizes campaigns, and provides reliable performance reports. However, scaling operations presented challenges in maintaining the precision and timeliness of data delivery, critical to both their clients and their own bottom line.


  1. Multiple Data Sources and Inconsistencies: The company’s data pipeline drew from various ad networks, demand-side platforms (DSPs), and third-party providers. Each source had its own formats and data quality, which created inconsistencies that threatened the precision of the company’s reporting and decision-making capabilities.
  2. Speed and Regularity of Data as a Product Delivery: Delivering data swiftly and consistently was vital for ensuring the company's clients could optimize campaigns in real time. Delays in data availability disrupted advertising strategies, reducing the potential return on ad spend and diminishing the company’s reputation for reliable service.
  3. Precision of Data: In the fast-paced AdTech environment, minor discrepancies in data can cause major problems, particularly when advertisers need precise numbers to make split-second decisions. Inaccurate or misaligned data from multiple sources affected the company’s ability to deliver reliable performance insights to clients, risking both lost revenue and client trust.
  4. Prioritization and Impact Analysis: With multiple data issues occurring simultaneously, the company struggled to understand which incidents had the most significant impact on business operations. Prioritizing incidents based on their urgency was essential, but understanding the full impact on business intelligence (BI) tools, such as which reports and dashboards were affected, became a major obstacle. Without effective impact analysis, the team couldn’t fully grasp the severity of each incident, delaying crucial decision-making.

Konstellation’s Solution

Konstellation’s cloud-based Data Observability platform provided the AdTech company with a powerful, out-of-the-box solution for addressing precision, speed, and impact analysis challenges. Konstellation’s features ensured that the company could consistently deliver high-quality, actionable data to its clients.

  1. Transparency and Integrity in Complex Data Pipelines: Konstellation’s platform features automated data lineage tracking and root-cause analysis to identify and address data issues. By leveraging these features, the company was able to pinpoint the source of issues and quickly assess where data integrity might be compromised. By utilizing these tools, the company ensured precision and consistency across all metrics, maintaining high-quality data for their clients.
  2. Criticality Score for Prioritization: Konstellation introduced a Criticality Score system to rank data incidents based on their impact and urgency to the business. Critical data streams linked to high-revenue campaigns and key client reports were prioritized, allowing the team to focus on the most impactful data issues first. This helped the AdTech company allocate resources more efficiently, addressing high-value incidents promptly while minimizing the effect on business operations.
  3. Real-Time Anomaly Detection & Incident Clustering: With real-time anomaly detection, the AdTech company could detect irregular data behavior at the moment they occurred. Konstellation’s system also clustered related incidents into unified events, reducing the number of alerts by grouping similar issues. This allowed the team to resolve associated problems simultaneously, reducing noise and improving response times.
  4. "First to Know" for Speed in Response: Konstellation’s real-time alert system ensured that the AdTech team was the first to know when issues arose, enabling them to act swiftly. By receiving instant notifications about anomalies and high-priority incidents, the company improved its ability to deliver data regularly and with minimal delays. This speed in response allowed clients to continue optimizing campaigns with confidence.
  5. Impact Analysis for Prioritization and Reporting: One of the most critical components Konstellation introduced was **Impact Analysis** at the BI-tools level. For every data incident, the platform provided visibility into which reports, dashboards, and client deliverables were affected, along with the severity and urgency of the issue. This helped the company understand not only which campaigns or data streams were impacted but also how client-facing reports were influenced. This level of insight allowed the team to prioritize incidents more effectively based on their real-world business impact, ensuring that high-severity issues were addressed first, keeping clients informed and confident.


  • 40% Cost Savings in Data Operations: By automating data quality checks and prioritizing high-impact incidents, the company reduced operational costs by 40%, allowing them to allocate resources more strategically and enabling progress on roadmap items.
  • 75% Faster Response to Critical Incidents: With real-time alerts and impact analysis, the company was able to respond to high-priority issues 75% faster, ensuring minimal disruption to data delivery and client reporting.
  • 60% Reduction in Incident Volume: Incident clustering helped the company reduce alert fatigue and streamline incident management, resulting in a 60% reduction in the number of alerts requiring manual intervention.
  • Improvement in Data Accuracy: By accessing data lineage and understanding the root-cause of incidents, the company achieved a 40% improvement in data accuracy, enhancing the reliability of insights provided to clients.
  • Faster Time-to-Insight for Clients: The ability to deliver precise and timely data empowered clients to make real-time decisions, optimizing ad spend and improving overall campaign performance.


With Konstellation’s solution, this AdTech company dramatically improved its data operations' precision, speed, and reliability. By leveraging real-time anomaly detection, prioritization through Criticality Scores, and Impact Analysis at the BI tools level, the company gained better control over its data quality while reducing operational costs by 40%. With the ability to be the first to know about critical issues and understand their business impact, the company not only ensured high-quality data delivery to clients but also safeguarded its reputation as a trusted partner in the fast-moving world of digital advertising.