· 5 min read

Unlocking the Power of Konstellation’s Table Reliability Score

Explore how Konstellation’s ML-driven Table Reliability Scores provide real-time, standardized insights across all your data sources.

Explore how Konstellation’s ML-driven Table Reliability Scores provide real-time, standardized insights across all your data sources.

By: Oxana Urdaneta

In today’s data-driven world, the quality of your data can make or break your business decisions. Konstellation’s Table Reliability Score provides a standardized way for data teams to assess the quality and reliability of each table they own. This score, ranging from 0 to 100, offers a quick, comprehensive view that brings teams together on the same page and highlights any potential issues with a table’s reliability.

Table Reliability Scores: Why?

The Table Reliability Score was born out of a need to provide data teams with a clear and actionable metric to assess the health of their data tables quickly. Data is modern enterprises’ lifeblood, yet data quality issues are a continuous challenge. Reliable data is the foundation of your business’s success, driving everything from customer satisfaction to operational efficiency.

Konstellation’s Table Reliability Score addresses this by continuously monitoring the reliability of your tables, providing a single, easy-to-understand metric that encapsulates the health of your data. This score is derived from various factors, including data freshness, completeness, and accuracy. It is designed to give you a real-time assessment of the reliability of your data tables. This score helps ensure that the data is ready to be used. It is all automated, without effort.

Besides this, the Table Reliability Score is more than just a metric. It’s a tool for empowering your data team to consistently maintain high data quality standards. How can it make a difference? 

  • It helps you detect issues earlier.
  • It makes it easier to enforce data governance policies and ensure compliance through a quantifiable measure of data quality.
  • It helps foster a data-driven culture within your organization, where decisions are based on reliable and accurate data.

How the Table Reliability Score Empowers Your Business

The Table Reliability Score helps answer critical business questions, such as:

  • Is our data trustworthy? The score directly assesses whether a data table can be trusted for analysis and decision-making.
  • Are we meeting our data quality standards? By tracking the score over time, teams can maintain high data quality standards across the organization.
  • Where should we focus our data improvement efforts? The score helps identify tables that require immediate attention, enabling teams to prioritize data quality improvements. #FixWhatMatters
  • How does data reliability impact our business outcomes? By correlating the Table Reliability Score with business performance, organizations can better understand the impact of data reliability on their operations and outcomes.

And why should all of this matter? Data quality is not just a technical issue; it’s a business requirement. It’s the most important business requirement for data teams. Poor data quality can lead to incorrect insights, lost revenue, a weak data team reputation, and diminished trust in the organization’s data capabilities. With the Table Reliability Scores, you can:

  • Build Trust: Build confidence among stakeholders who rely on that data for critical decisions. 
  • Improve Efficiency: By identifying unreliable tables quickly, you can reduce the time spent troubleshooting data issues and focus on more strategic initiatives.
  • Enhance Decision-Making: Reliable data leads to better insights and decisions. The Table Reliability Score ensures that the data feeding into your analytics and BI tools is accurate and actionable.
  • Reduce Costs: Poor data quality can be costly, wasting resources and missing opportunities. The Table Reliability Score helps you identify and address data issues early, reducing the financial impact of bad data.

Standardized Table Reliability Scores across the data stack

Integrating Table Reliability Scores in Your Day-to-Day

Incorporating Table Reliability Scores in your day-to-day is straightforward: 

  • Ensure you regularly monitor the scores so you are aware of health status
  • Use the score to prioritize tables that need immediate attention
  • Track historical trends of Table Reliability Scores to identify emerging issues or measure team and workflow performance.
  • Share Scores with stakeholders, such as data scientists, analysts, and business leaders, to bring everyone to the same page regarding data quality. 

Decoding the Score: What Makes It Effective

Konstellation automatically calculates Table Reliability Scores by leveraging metrics gathered from your data environment. Our machine-learning models detect patterns and flag anomalies, impacting the score whenever something deviates from expectations. The Table Reliability Score measures different stats such as Table Volume, Landing Times, Freshness, Column-level Data, and Custom Checks validations, all in real-time, with zero effort.

A high score indicates that the data aligns with expectations, while a lower score highlights areas that need attention. If your business has unique needs, you can customize the score to prioritize what matters most to you—landing times, volume trends, or other metrics.

Why Konstellation’s Table Reliability Score Stands Out

With Konstellation’s automated approach, you’ll:

  • Gain a Continuous Understanding of Data Quality: In just minutes, you can get a clear view of the quality across your entire data environment. Identify pain points, target areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance quality. 
  • Standardize Data Quality Across the Organization: Konstellation ensures that data quality isn’t left to chance by adopting a comprehensive approach. Our system automates the verification process so you can trust that your data is being thoroughly monitored and assessed.
  • Scale as Your Data Grows: As your data pipelines expand, Konstellation scales with you. New data assets are automatically included in the scoring process, providing immediate insights without manual intervention.


Konstellation’s Table Reliability Score highlights the results of your team’s commitment to data quality. It assigns a continuous score to all your data assets, making it easy to identify what needs attention and what’s reliable enough to drive critical decisions. High-quality data is the foundation of effective operations for personalization, targeting campaigns, retail analytics, decision-making, or adjusting corporate strategy. Understand your baseline, know what’s expected in your tables, and don’t get caught up in surprises.

By standardizing how data quality is measured and understood, Konstellation breaks down barriers, enabling teams to collaborate more effectively, share insights, and focus on fixing what matters. Data reliability isn’t just about avoiding errors—it’s about empowering your organization to make informed, confident decisions based on data you can trust. By incorporating the Table Reliability Score into your data strategy, you can empower your organization to make data-driven decisions with confidence and turn data quality into your competitive advantage.

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